Thoughts, images and random ramblings from the life of Dustin Orgill

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

And in the beginning...

For some, writing by hand in a hardcover journal is sufficient. For some, keeping a journal in Microsoft Word works great. For me, I have found that Blogging might be a much more efficient and interesting way to perserve the events of my life. I will try to keep this interesting and entertaining yet it is difficult to cater to everyone's interests. I will be sharing funny, interesting, weird, religious, boring, whatever I experience or whatever happens to me. If what you read is mundane and boring, scroll up and I bet you'll eventually find something interesting.

So I went to the store super early to buy some milk for my gourmet breakfast (Cheerios) and some guy was buying a 20 oz soda, beef jerky and.... 10 packs of Wintergreen Lozenges. Yeah, the big generic ones that are like 69 cents a piece of 2 for a dollar. I would like to file this under the "What the freak!?" folder. But I guess if you drink a pop and eat beef jerky at 8am, you WILL need those lozenges. Ahhh.. the American diet.

Random thought of the day: If you have never watched Reno 911 on Comedy Central, do yourself a favor and check out the 1st Season is on DVD.


Blogger Hagoth L said...

Keep this one up to date yo!

1:22 PM


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