Thoughts, images and random ramblings from the life of Dustin Orgill

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back to the Future

After having plenty of impressions over the weekend, I could not help but to start this blog up once again. I am having a rough time deciding whether to keep a full on personal journal or doing more of a summary that can be read for others. In the mean time, I feel I need to write down a few experiences to at least put my mind at ease.

We had an amazing lesson today in combine relief society and priesthood meeting about the brutal reality that our kids face day to day. Everyone in the room was taking notes and people acted very emotional. Those types of lessons do not come very often. The instruction was given by a Seminary teacher from Hunter High. It reminded me of my days in seminary and institute and how much I loved learning about the Gospel. I am so grateful for a wife and wonderful children. I can only hope that we can lead them through this dark world.

Rachel and I had a great talk tonight to set goals for our family. I love her very much and I am glad we have that relationship where we can freely discuss these things. I have a great life!

Random thought: Why do people bear their testimonies and start by saying, "I don't like to share my emotions.." Yes you do, or why would you get up and cry every month?